"Adding Body Ignite to my workout rotation has been a game changer. The slow and controlled movements paired with breathing technique help recharge my batteries weekly. This class has been really great to add focus and help tone all of the things."
Body Ignite
Body Ignite is a one-stop body shock. Targeting each and every muscle with specially designed sequences and a weighted bar or dumbbells will leave you stronger and more energized. This easy-to-follow strength-based program will increase your metabolism, your athleticism, and your ability to lift, lunge, push and pull everything mom-life throws at you!
"Body Ignite is the perfect accompaniment to the Fit4Mom program. After a few days of HIIT and Strides 360, I love a lower impact class option in the week which gives me a chance to focus on each body part. I feel this class for days after and love it!"
-Ann S
"Adding Body Ignite to my workout rotation has been a game changer. The slow and controlled movements paired with breathing technique help recharge my batteries weekly. This class has been really great to add focus and help tone all of the things."
-Rebekah C